Vietnam White Rice 5% Broken 5451

Additional Info

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Origin: Vietnam

OM 5451 is a high-yielding rice variety grown in the Mekong Delta, with a relatively short growing time (90 - 95 days), beautiful, slender, grainy, less gray, and flexible rice (even if to cool), very easy to cook rice, export standards, suitable for office and family rice.

Vietnamese white rice 5% broken


  • Broken (% Max.) (3/4 basic) 5.0
  • Foreign Matters (% Max.) 0.1
  • Damaged Kernels (% Max.) 0.5
  • Yellow Kernels (% Max.) 0.25
  • Chalky Kernels (% Max.) 3.0 (3/4 basic)
  • Red & Red Streaked Kernels (% Max.) 0.5
  • Immature Kernels (% Max.) 0.5
  • Paddy Per Kg (Grain) 5
  • Moisture (% Max.) 14.0
  • Average length of grain (mm) : 6.2 min
  • Milling degree : Well milled & double polished and sortexed
  • Variety : OM5451
  • Crop: 2022

Quantity :  (+/-5% at Seller’s option)

Free from mould and free from live insects after fumigation at load port