Thai White Rice 5% Broken

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Origin: Thailand

Thai White Rice has long grained its popularity and has been the world staple for many decades. It is processed rice from paddy which have 5 percentage of broken rice. Unlike jasmine rice, white has has no natural aroma or stickiness. Thai white rice is suitable for many dishes such as fried rice.

Thai White Rice 5% Broken:

  • Whole kernels 60.0 % min
  • Broken 7.0 % max
  • Damaged Grains 0.25 % max
  • Yellow/discolored kernel 0.5 % max
  • Chalky kernel 6.0 % max
  • Undeveloped, Immature Kernels, Other
    seeds and Foreign matter 0.3 % max
  • Red kernels 2.0 % max
  • Paddy Kernel 8 grains max per 1kg
  • Moisute content 14% max
  • Milling Degree: Well milled, double
    polished and sortexted
  • Crop year: New Crop 2022

Free from mould and free from live insects after fumigation at load port, fit for human consumption